Your 11 March 2023 Update

As if we haven’t seen enough Space: 1999 merchandise already, for 2023 there will be more. A lot more. Well, you know I’m just kidding about the over abundance of 1999 garb. I’m not sure if we’ll reach that point. Quite frankly, I’m very happy to report that there is no shortage like there was in the 80’s and 90’s. Yeah, I know, an obscure science fiction television show that had only lasted for two years. Well, one thing is for sure, ITV is taking full advantage of the plethora of Space: 1999 merchandise since around the 2012 timeframe. Some 10 plus years later, we are finding ourselves in the midst of a Space: 1999 wave of goodies across the board. I did an article about 2022: Year in Review and there was a lot. Well, 2023 is proving that there is no stopping this Space: 1999 Merch Train. Check out what is on the books and what’s already been released this year:

From last year’s Wonderfest, Round2/MPC had made the announcement that there would be a total of three Space: 1999 kits being released very soon. And, there will be some UFO kits coming too (does that count?). Aside from that 15″ Hawk kit (which was a 2021 kit release), the Eagle 4 and Moonbuggy kits are already out and folks have been raving about those two kits. We are seeing some good builds materialize on the social media pages. Nice to see that there is an overall uptick on model building as a whole.

Not yet released just yet, but will be out at your favorite retailer later this year is the second edition Cargo Pod 22″ Eagle kit. It’s actually back by popular demand as the original edition was yanked off the market due to slow sales, but over time these kits were becoming kind of hard to come by which started commanding premium prices on eBay auctions. It was a no-brainer to set the production in motion and rerelease this kit. There will be essentially no difference in this kit from the previous edition except some box details.

Anderson Entertainment of the Gerry Anderson official site and store had been releasing a number of Comic Anthologies representing the GA titles of UFO and Fireball XL5 of the collection of classic Look-In Comics. Jamie Anderson partnered up with Andrew E.C. Gaska of Blam! Comics to do a number of rerelease comics Mr. Gaska did in 2012/2013. Up for pre-order is the Space: 1999 To Everything That Was (Hardback graphic novel) rerelease under the Anderson Entertainment badge. “To Everything That Was” connects years one and two of Space: 1999 with an exciting narrative by Andrew E.C. Gaska spread across 300 pages. Features carefully curated strips from the American Charlton Comics series and British Look-in issues including remastered and unpublished works by comic book legends such as John Byrne, Sanjulián, and Joe Staton. Includes material left out of the 2013 release including a first-ever look at the unproduced Space: 1999 ‘Season 3’ graphic novel series by BLAM! Ventures. The first time this book has been available for a decade! Quite frankly, I am very excited with this release.

Mateo Latosa of Powys Media is not sleeping. He is in the process of cranking out two more titles adding to his ever growing library of extremely high quality and awesome Powysverse novels. Up on deck from Powys are the titles of Odysseus Wept (by Bill Latham, the other founder of Powys Media) and Apocrypha! a collection of 1970’s Short Fiction Based on the Series. Wept is almost ready for prime time ordering from while Apocrypha! will be released later at the latter part of Spring.

Big Chief Studios Anderson Collection is a collection of all your favorite heroes and villains. Each figure sports 5 points of jointed articulation, authentic character likenesses and detailed costumes. BCS claims they faithfully recreated in 3.75 inch scale and packaged in a nostalgic format featuring gorgeous artwork, there are six figures in collection 1, with even more figures on the way in the future. Koenig will be in the first collection while it is planned to have Alan Carter included in the second wave. Unfortunately, the 1/6th scale figure of Koenig has been further delayed into 2024, now which is very frustrating to the folks that have already placed and paid for their pre-order all the way back in 2019. Fingers crossed for successful things to happen there at BCS as their quality of whare are pretty stellar.

If you missed out on the 2016 CD or the 2017 double vinyl original soundtrack of Ennio Morricone, would you believe it is out again? This time under Beat Record Company. It is essentially the exact same release as the 2016 CD. There is a very nice booklet included, but it is rather unabridged version versus the 2016 edition. Overall nice release, but more for a completist like myself rather than something tangible worthy of your collection (like I said, though, if you missed out).

Some other Space: 1999 merch that has been showing up this year is from none other than Sixteen12 Collectibles. The Swift from Brian the Brain has finally made it (whilst a retro edition is on its way). And the latest three figures have made their appearance, as well. Nice to see space suited Koenig w/ laser-rifle, Morrow and Bergman make an appearance. I believe there will be some female characters showing in the coming months. I think all will be in their space suits, as well. Fingers crossed. A huge shout out to Mark Craig from producing these wonderful diorama shots.

Once again, there isn’t a shortage of Space: 1999 merch. And, so far, just about all of the released awesomeness that we have access to is of very high quality and will be wonderful additions to your collection. What is it that you want to see in the future?
Want to pre-order the “To Everything That Was” graphic novel?
All the latest from Powys Media:
All the latest from Round2/MPC:
The Ennio Morricone Space: 1999 OST:
To order items from the Sixteen12 Collectibles range: